Papers Grade Please

  1. 5
  2. 4
  3. 3
  4. 2
  5. 1
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Our whole world functions on the base of extensive documentation. There are piles of papers lying in various archives, databases and even at your own home. If we brought them all together, we would probably be able to build a bridge to the moon. In this game, you’ll have to deal with papers of all kinds that should be checked to make sure everything is according to the law. Are you ready?

Check all those papers and keep things in order!

You’ll be working at a custom service and will decide if a person that is standing in front of you is fit to cross the border of your country. Check every single sheet of paper that they have to show you and don’t make a decision until you’re absolutely certain it’s not some kind of a terrorist carrying a bomb in their suitcase or someone hunted by the police. You’re going to receive promotions and exciting missions as you progress through the game!

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